Over two and a half years ago the {MOB}Clan opened the doors to encourage a community atmosphere in the gaming world and created the Regs. The Regs carry the {MOBr} tags. They are made up of people that game on our servers on a regular basis, display respect, maturity and a good attitude while gaming. Regs is also a steping stone to being invited into MOB if you have an interest in competitive play on the TWL Ladder.
The Regs is a community within MOB that offers players the opportunity to be part of a clan without the responsibities associated with being a clan and for those that do not have the time or desire to participate in full time competitive matches.
The Regs community participates in scrimmages with MOB as well as other clans. Being involved in these scrims is voluntary and alot of fun.
What are the advantages of being a Reg?
1. Password access to all of our servers! If our server is full , just enter the password and enter.
2. Assigned Power Points to help Admin our servers.
3. PRIVATE Ventrilo Channels dedicated to the [Regs].
4. Inner/Outer Clan scrimmages
5. For those that are interested, the [Regs] clan may be used as a trial period before {MOB} membership.
How do I get invited to become a {MOBr}?
1. Join our forum and introduce yourself : Let us know what games you play, past clan involvement, etc.
2. Use the tag, MOB-MR, before before your name while playing on our servers. This will allow our Clan members to recognize you on our servers, allows us to get to know you and observe your game play. Here is an example: MOB-MR Old Killer
3. Send a PM to T/A6Pak or Genocide Junkie stating you wish to be considered a {MOBr} Recruit.
4. Always display a positive attitude, play regularly on our servers, have fun. If you are part of the Regs you CANNOT be a member of any other clan.
5. Finally, we ask for your financial support. Our clan operates the MOB game and Ventrilo servers thanks to the generous donations of its members. We ask our [Regs] members to consider donating $10 per month, but you can donate more or less as you see fit, and this is by no means mandatory. 100% of your donations are spent on our server fees. No one profits from your donation.
Although our Ventrilo (voice communication over the internet) is not a requirement is is highly encouraged to help members in getting to know a potential recurit and may speed up an invite to the Regs.
After your have notified Genocide Junkie or T/A6Pak, posted your introduction you will be considered a {MOBr} Recruit. {MOB} and {MOBr} members will at their discression bring up your name for discussion and a decision made. At that time you will receive notification. Typically the clan will make a decision within 30 to 60 days.